Actress Deepika Padukone is following her dad and former badminton champion Prakash Padukone’s footsteps. For the first time, a Bollywood actor has been made a director of the Olympic Gold Quest (OGQ) — the biggest apex support group for Indian athletes and sportspersons founded by billiards champ Geet Sethi and Prakash Padukone. The other members of the board are eminent sports people like Leander Paes, Vishwanathan Anand and former India hockey captain like Viren Rasquinha among others.
Deepika dreamt of being a badminton champ like her dad once, but gave it up for midway. She admits that had it not been for the faulty infrastructure, she might have continued with the sport.
“I used to be a (badminton) player myself, so I know what the athletes have to go through (in terms of infrastructure and coaching). I always felt that there is a need to create a proper infrastructure and support group for the Indian athletes. I had wanted to do something myself but then this opportunity came along,” says Deepika.
Through the OGQ, Deepika will be collecting and mobilising funds for the athletes who have a big chance to bring home a medal at the 2012 Olympic Games to be held in London. Tennis champ Saina Nehwal, boxing champ MC Marykom and shooters Gagan Narang and Tejaswita Sawant are the sportspersons who are being supported by the OGQ for the next Olympics.
“I know being a part of such an effort is a huge responsibility and I am feeling mature for sure. I feel that one must do something to improve the facilities and infrastructure for the Indian athletes. I will do my best to ensure better facilities to the Indian athletes since they need our support and attention. I’m so happy that so many people have come forward to encourage the athletes like Gagan and Marykom who have struggled so much to make it to the top today,” she adds.
Deepika’s father Prakash was of course beaming with joy as a proud joy standing just beside her when Deepika was saying these words. According to him, today’s sportspersons of the country should get all the support that he never got when he was playing for the country.
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