Bollywood leading lady Deepika Padukone is in extreme pain these days. No, she is not nursing a broken heart over boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor dumping her, it is her hard work which is causing the leggy lass a lot of pain. According to reports in the media, Deepika Padukone was in need of a physiotherapist on the sets of upcoming Bollywood film Dum Maro Dum after her muscles refused to budge from the strain that they had to go through for a period of six days. Reports claim that it became impossible for Deepika Padukone to even stand straight on her feet after shooting for her upcoming item number was over.
The actress had reportedly mastered the moves for the remixed version of the R D Buman composed track Dum Maro Dum for a period of three days under the guidance of choreographers Bosco and Caesar. Post rehearsal, Deepika Padukone had to film the song for another three days. And the constant pressure of dancing, the difficult moves involved in the promotional track of the upcoming film, left her muscles strained. Dips was in so much pain that only medical help could bring her back to normal conditions.
Deepika Padukone has clinched the item number over her peer Katrina Kaif and seniors Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra, therefore the extra effort was required to bring out the stylish performance required for the promotional video of ‘Dum Maro Dum’. Sources from the film’s sets have said that Pritam’s remix is a very fast paced number which has to be accompanied with equally fast moves. In a statement to the media, Dips said that she did feel pain while shooting but also flashed her beautiful smile assuring the media that they were not going to miss her for long.
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