Deepika Padukone has already won the laurels in her brief stint with films by pairing with the top who's who of Bollywood. Though she is just four-films-old she has played opposite SRK, Akshay Kumar and Saif Ali Khan. Yes, she is yet to work with the remaining two Khans-Salman and Aamir. The buzz is that Deepika, who was launched by Shah Rukh Khan, strongly desires to work with Salman Khan now. As is usual some of our colleagues attribute her desire to work with Salman Khan to her unhappiness with her beau Ranbir Kapoor who of late is found bonding more with Katrina Kaif! Yes, it's true that Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are frequently chatting and for quite long on the sets of their forthcoming 'Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani'. However, Deepika forgets that she will also be seen again working opposite Akshay Kumar in Sajid Khan's 'Houseful'. Then, why the fuss? The reason seems to be different to us. Very recently her beau's ace actor father Rishi Kapoor has described Deepika as one of the girlfriends of his son!
This might have upset her. Not in the distant past, Ranbir's mother had also snubbed Deepika with her uncalled for remark. There can be one more reason for Deepika's reaction, if any. That's Ranbir's new girl is Shazahn Padamsee. Ranbir will soon be seen opposite a new girl Shazahn Padamsee in his upcoming flick 'Rocket Singh: Salesman' post 'Wake up Sid!' which is being produced under the Yash Raj banner. Shazahn Padamsee is Alyque Padamsee's daughter. Shazahn confirms the news, "Yes, I've signed the movie and the shooting has begun." As we know that Yash Raj Films keeps the names of their heroines, especially those who are new, a top secret. Fortunately for Deepika, the cat is out of the bag. Anyway, Shazahn isn't new in the field as she has to her credit many ad films before doing this commercial one.
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Thursday, September 3, 2009
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Project K’s Producer REACTS To Reports Of Deepika Padukone Rushed To Hospital Due To Increased Heart Rate: ‘These Are False Rumours’
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